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3M Construction Assembling & Trading Co., Ltd


  • Tiếng Anh
  • Tiếng Việt
+84 903 815 852 - +84 225 3 564 259

Contact us 24/7

119/81 Nguyen Trai street, Ngo Quyen district, Hai Phong city, Vietnam

Our address

Working pressure

Views: 1884

Determine the pressure:

At tank outlet: transfer pressure

(first expansion stage OPFE: outlet pressure first expansion stage)

butane or propane solution.

For each unit: working pressure

(second expansion stage OPSE: outlet pressure second expansion stage). At entrance to apartment buildings or ERP: transfer pressure

(presence of a “400 mbar” pressure limiter before building entry, a TS (turndown switch) and an emergency shutdown valve of the “palm button” type).